

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Music: The Eyes Into The Soul

I think I'm not alone when I say that music is just the best. The way a song can make you feel and all you want to do is play it over and over again all day long is the best. I will admit I have a habit of listening to a song until everyone around me gets annoyed (sorry family, friends, and roommates) but sometimes I just can't get enough! The more people I can share a song with and get them hooked the better. When I show someone a song and weeks later we're driving in their car and they throw it on, I can't help but get super excited. I know it sounds cheesy but it feels like such an accomplishment. 

I think music can tell a lot about a person; what their interests are, what kind of mood they're in, etc. For me, my music speaks volumes. The genre of the day matches my mood perfectly, and I cover many genres for sure. I do have to admit country music will rarely be talked about in this blog. You best believe that being from Charleston, South Carolina I have gotten many "Are you kidding me's or "How can you not like country you're from the south's and trust me I don't know how it happened but it is the one genre that I just don't listen to. Don't get me wrong, occasionally I'll find a country song that is catchy but the radio eventually overplays it and then "I literally can't even." But I don't hate, to each his own. 

The purpose of this blog is really just to spread the word about awesome music that you might not know about and you can overplay and annoy all your friends with just like me! So here are this weeks obsessions. Click and Enjoy!