

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Sorry to disappoint but I'm not going to post any ALS ice bucket challenge videos on here. I know those are so hard to come by right now. But I figured I would write again with football season coming up. 

You know how certain songs can trigger those great memories that you forgot about until you heard the song again? Well I love when that happens. Anytime you're taking a trip down memory lane there are generally a few songs that you can throw back on and relive those classic memories (if you were coherent enough to remember them…). For me, being a gamecock, there's the classic "Sandstorm" song that gets stuck in my head from hearing it every weekend at the games. I think for the rest of my life every time I hear that song football will come to mind and I'll instantly start chanting "USC GOOOO COCKS" in my head…no shame. 

Another classic football season song is "This Is The Carter" by Lil Wayne. Im pretty sure KA and SAE had it on repeat at the tailgates for two solid years.  I definitely can't listen to that song without immediately cracking up about the good ol' tailgating times so cheers to you Lil Wayne!

Aside from reminiscing about pastimes that are making me freak out about the fact that it's my senior year, I have come across some new music that I want to share!  From hearing songs from friends or the hours I spend browsing around spotify or youtube, I hope ya'll can find at least one song you like. Just a little warning, Giants by Bear Hands comes off really Blink 1-82ish, which isn't a bad thing just really unexpected but it'll grow on you overtime so don't worry! And I added in "This Is The Carter" at the end for those of you who would like to listen to it again, because I've definitely been listening to it too. Click and Enjoy! 

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