

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Moving On...

    With summer coming to a close and graduation in sight, the constant reminiscing seems to be inevitable. Whether good or bad, the past four years have changed me. My college home will forever hold some life changing memories. I went through it all: really high highs, really low lows, lost a few close friends, and fell in love. 
Long Live Old Gregg

    As I move out of my house of two years, I can't help but get sad thinking about how all of those memories are in the past and I will never be in a situation like this again. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about the future and what it holds (because right now I honestly have no idea what I am going to do), but the thought of not being in my house and not having all of my people so close is going to be a difficult change.  

    I'll be the first to admit that I have a hard time with transitions, I'm not a huge fan of big changes, but the more I think about it the more excited I get. I don't know what my next move is and this is the first time in my life that this has happened. I have always had my life mapped out: high school, sports, college, graduate, one thing after the next. As terrifying as it is, it is kind of refreshing to be here. Now I truly understand why so many people have told me "the world is your oyster" because after graduation I choose my path, just me, and thats exciting. My ultimate goal is to work with music so we shall see where it takes me (Nashville or New York fingers crossed). But until then, I am going to reminisce as much as I can because come July 31st the first 21 years of my life and school come to an end and the next chapter begins. 

    Music plays a part in my every day life so as I reminisce, old songs come to mind that are subconsciously attached to these memories I have. Going back and listening to the playlists I have made over the years makes me smile. I can close my eyes and feel as though I am right back in that memory. I remember what I was doing, who I was with, and how I felt, how the music made me feel. Music can influence anything. It can turn a casual get together into a crazy party where people end up dancing on the island in our kitchen. It can turn a normal pregame into a 90's boy band throwback sing along (which I'm not gonna lie, happened often). Or it can simply be playing in the background as you sit on the top porch watching the sun set, falling in love. Music has narrated my life. Big changes that happen always bring me back to the memories and the music, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I thank the music and my amazing friends for giving me such beautiful memories.
Here's a list of songs that moved me through college and will forever go hand in hand with some of the best and most memorable times of my life. The genres bounce around a bit, but its more entertaining that way anyways right? 

Let the music follow you through your journey. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

One Love

At one point or another, everyone has experienced the greatness that is Bob Marley, and if not then drop everything you are doing RIGHT NOW and go listen! In his 36 years of life, this lyrical genius wrote reggae music that he infused with a sense of spirituality and protest.

I know every one knows his famous line,"One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain" and I could not have said it better myself. Music provides an escape from pain, an escape from anything. To lose yourself in the music is an indescribable feeling and Bob Marley captures that amazingly in all of his songs. The lyrics he chose were so powerful and filled each song with so much passion. Listening to his songs you can hear the passion in his voice, see the passion in the lyrics, and feel the passion in the way it makes you feel just as he did when he would perform.

"Though the road feels rocky, it sure feels good to me" - Rainbow Country 

How amazing is this. This is a great reminder that the road you're on does not have to be smooth in order to enjoy the ride. The more you enjoy where you are and what road you are on, the smoother the road will become, not vice-versa. If you are not enjoying the road you are on it will only get bumpier and more difficult. I am constantly experiencing trials in my life that cause me to stop enjoying the road I am on, but every time I find myself lost  I go back to the music and it always bring me back. We all have so many things in life to be thankful for, even when our roads are rocky because you are where you are supposed to be for a reason. Make the most of it and enjoy life, enjoy the music.

Learn to enjoy every moment in life no matter where you are. Don't wait until things get better, begin to make your own happiness now.

Follow your heart, follow the music.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A little bit of this, a little bit of that










Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Sorry to disappoint but I'm not going to post any ALS ice bucket challenge videos on here. I know those are so hard to come by right now. But I figured I would write again with football season coming up. 

You know how certain songs can trigger those great memories that you forgot about until you heard the song again? Well I love when that happens. Anytime you're taking a trip down memory lane there are generally a few songs that you can throw back on and relive those classic memories (if you were coherent enough to remember them…). For me, being a gamecock, there's the classic "Sandstorm" song that gets stuck in my head from hearing it every weekend at the games. I think for the rest of my life every time I hear that song football will come to mind and I'll instantly start chanting "USC GOOOO COCKS" in my head…no shame. 

Another classic football season song is "This Is The Carter" by Lil Wayne. Im pretty sure KA and SAE had it on repeat at the tailgates for two solid years.  I definitely can't listen to that song without immediately cracking up about the good ol' tailgating times so cheers to you Lil Wayne!

Aside from reminiscing about pastimes that are making me freak out about the fact that it's my senior year, I have come across some new music that I want to share!  From hearing songs from friends or the hours I spend browsing around spotify or youtube, I hope ya'll can find at least one song you like. Just a little warning, Giants by Bear Hands comes off really Blink 1-82ish, which isn't a bad thing just really unexpected but it'll grow on you overtime so don't worry! And I added in "This Is The Carter" at the end for those of you who would like to listen to it again, because I've definitely been listening to it too. Click and Enjoy! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Music: The Eyes Into The Soul

I think I'm not alone when I say that music is just the best. The way a song can make you feel and all you want to do is play it over and over again all day long is the best. I will admit I have a habit of listening to a song until everyone around me gets annoyed (sorry family, friends, and roommates) but sometimes I just can't get enough! The more people I can share a song with and get them hooked the better. When I show someone a song and weeks later we're driving in their car and they throw it on, I can't help but get super excited. I know it sounds cheesy but it feels like such an accomplishment. 

I think music can tell a lot about a person; what their interests are, what kind of mood they're in, etc. For me, my music speaks volumes. The genre of the day matches my mood perfectly, and I cover many genres for sure. I do have to admit country music will rarely be talked about in this blog. You best believe that being from Charleston, South Carolina I have gotten many "Are you kidding me's or "How can you not like country you're from the south's and trust me I don't know how it happened but it is the one genre that I just don't listen to. Don't get me wrong, occasionally I'll find a country song that is catchy but the radio eventually overplays it and then "I literally can't even." But I don't hate, to each his own. 

The purpose of this blog is really just to spread the word about awesome music that you might not know about and you can overplay and annoy all your friends with just like me! So here are this weeks obsessions. Click and Enjoy!